Seed Winter 2019 - page 2

As this brochure goes to print we are edging towards the end of the book of
Bereishit and the start of the book of Shemot. The first book of the Torah is the
story of the forefathers and their initial journeys. They were called the Patriarchs.
The second book of the Torah is the story of the children, the next generation.
In life we need our trailblazers andwe need our trail followers. The first group, map
out the path, the second group walk the path and incorporate it into everyday life,
faithful to the goals of those initial pioneers.
This is true of all parents and children, we map out a future for our children as best
we can and then set themon their journey towalk their path.
are experts in equipping parents to raise their children with strong Jewish
identity and a sophisticated understanding of their heritage. Within these pages
youwill find events for all of us, for every family and every stage.
Please join us.
Rabbi Malcolm Herman
Associate National Director
We’ve got plenty to keep you
warm this winter at Seed!
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