Seed London Jan - May 2020 - page 5

Teen programmes
including a parenting course with a focus on
teenagers and the popular LINKS bat mitzvah programme for mothers
and daughters.
Residential weekend seminars for families,
featuring educational and
inspiring lectures and workshops for adults and a full range of children’s
activities and programmes.
Trips abroad to Israel and Poland
, incorporating education-based
touring and study opportunities not available in the UK. These trips are
focused around specific groups of participants - families, mothers and
daughters on our Bat Mitzvah Programme, and separate trips for women
One-to-One learning centres for adults,
matches up
suitable volunteers to participants in order to share educational resources
on a one-to-one basis.
The Seed Shul in Edgware,
which currently has 70 member families with
many more regulars intending to join. The shul also runs a highly
successful ‘seedlings’ service for its youngestmembers aswell as allowing
parents to collect CRP points at the various services.
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